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Wonders of “Wellness”

Have you ever wonder the real meaning of the word “wellness” after it has become popular across the globe recently. People have started taking care of their health more seriously.

“Wellness” is a buzzword that we have heard recently after the great pandemic affecting all around the world.

But, what “wellness” really mean? Is it anti-aging? Is it the beauty clinic? Or is it something that deals with medical?

Global Wellness Institute defines the word “Wellness” as…the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health

There are several keywords here that conclude about “wellness” which are active, lifestyle and holistic health.

“Wellness” needs to be started with the intentions of an individual to choose the actions to create the ‘optimal health’ — the wellness and well-being state that suitable for a person.

Another key factor to create ‘wellness’ is holistic health. As mentioned, wellness needs to be started with ‘intention of the action’ which means it needs the drive from within, which links closely with mindfulness and mental health. From that, the optimal state of mental wellness will influence physical, social, and cultural environment to create the holistic health as a lifestyle.

This is why there are countless businesses that link with ‘wellness.’

Spas, beauty clinics, anti-aging, healthy food and all kinds of businesses that able to provide medical proofs are considered as wellness business.

And, this is why the word ‘wellness’ is difficult to be defined.

For me, my personal wellness start with my mind and soul in order to influence other aspects in my life such as home environment, education or career. I need to have my inner motivation. It always fun to wander in your mind and allow myself flow along the situation to eventually find your own balance.

It’s ok to wonder. You just have to know where your destinations in life in each stage are. 🙂


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