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- Wonders of “Wellness”
Have you ever wonder the real meaning of the word “wellness” after it has become popular across the globe recently. People have started taking care of their health more seriously. “Wellness” is a buzzword that we have heard recently after the great pandemic affecting all around the world. But, what “wellness” really mean? Is it anti-aging? Is it the beauty clinic? Or is it something that deals with medical? Global Wellness Institute defines the word “Wellness” as…the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health There are several keywords here that conclude about “wellness” which are active, lifestyle and holistic health. “Wellness” needs to be started with the intentions of an individual to choose the actions to create the ‘optimal health’ — the wellness and well-being state that suitable for a person. Another key factor to create ‘wellness’ is holistic health. As mentioned, wellness needs to be started with ‘intention of the action’ which means it needs the drive from within, which links closely with mindfulness and mental health. From that, the optimal state of mental wellness will influence physical, social, and cultural environment to create the holistic health as a lifestyle. This is why there are countless businesses that link with ‘wellness.’ Spas, beauty clinics, anti-aging, healthy food and all kinds of businesses that able to provide medical proofs are considered as wellness business. And, this is why the word ‘wellness’ is difficult to be defined. For me, my personal wellness start with my mind and soul in order to influence other aspects in my life such as home environment, education or career. I need to have my inner motivation. It always fun to wander in your mind and allow myself flow along the situation to eventually find your own balance. It’s ok to wonder. You just have to know where your destinations in life in each stage are. 🙂
- The story of resilience — Greenmade EP1
Triangle Donut team had a chance interviewing the Greenmade’s co-founders. Greenmade is a small healthy food restaurant in AIA Capital Center next to Thailand’s Stock Exchange center, SET Building. This’s the first episode to introduce our reader why we decided to ask for an interview with Greenmade’s team. We have known this team for a while. They have been through many challenges for years and still survive well during the 4th season of Covid-19 in Thailand. Throughout the interview, we spent about 3 hours with Poy and Moo. The conversation was so inspiring, not only how they survive and operate their beloved restaurant but also the visions and pathway they want to improve their ecosystem. We would love to share this with our readers. We have divided it into 3 episodes covering all the journey ‘Greenmade’ has been, lessons they have learned, and pathway they want to become so if you want some more inspiring ideas please stay tuned. What will you do if you are about to open a restaurant and all of the sudden your chef just left! Some might decide to find a new chef or some might not open the restaurant at all! How could this be possible? I don’t have a chef! Who will do all the cooking since I have no basics of how to cook! Everything might get overwhelmed but not for this lady who was a nurse and passionate about food. Her name is Poy — Wasinee Eakapabbundit and ‘Greenmade.’ When we were about to open this restaurant, I asked my friend who was a really good chef to work here with us but for some reason, one day he came up to me and decided to quit and flew off to another country. We were shocked. However, we had gone too far to turn back so I decided to cook by myself and all menus had changed from what was first planned.POY — WASINEE EAKAPABBUNDIT This is what happened with ‘Greenmade’, a small healthy food restaurant in AIA Capital Center next to Thailand’s Stock Exchange center, SET Building. The restaurant’s initial concept was using her fresh vegetables from Northern Thailand local producers as main ingredients for all the dishes. However, since the chef left, Poy and her other two co-founder needed to rearrange the restaurant menu from scratch and rethink the process of cooking because none of the co-founders at that time had cooking skills but they had gone too far from closing the project. Many bills had awaited, rental fees had already been put up, they must find solutions! Luckily, from a young age, Poy and her family in Northern Thailand would spend hours in the afternoon cooking their dinner so she had ideas to bring ‘Greenmade’ a brighter future. She recreated every single dish in the menus and cooked as if she had made those dishes for her own family. Every ‘Green’ in the dish would have been washed several times or as organic as they possibly could. Every ingredient in the dish would have been carefully selected to serve only the best nutritions to anyone’s bodies. Characteristics of each dish is crafted and fusioned from original Thai food to international tastes. Every process of cooking has been ‘Heart-made’ so by the time those dishes are served they will bring consumers full hearts of joy, enlightenment and warmth as if a meal with family members. This is where ‘Greenmade’ started and keeps on passing those feelings to everyone who visits. We can’t give up on our passions, the only way we had was moving on no matter what. This was what she thought and acted at her tough time. This is what we call ‘Resilience.’ Greenmade inspired us in their own ways, how about you? What is your story? Read more heart-warming stories of ‘Greenmade’ at http://greenmadecafe.com/our-story/ Try some of ‘Greenmade’ menus at http://greenmadecafe.com/restaurant/
- Heart of Business – Greenmade EP2
Only the resilience ones survived Covid-19, not only individuals but also businesses. Have you ever wondered why and how to sustain the business within this highly competitive market? Triangle Donut team has some ideas from interviewing ‘Greenmade’ founders – Poy and Moo about the hearts of business. We still believe that the most important factors for running a sustainable business are the cores; Core product, core concept, or even core culture. Greenmade’s cores are food, service, and team which all of those factors we crafted from our hearts and our passion about balance eating. MOO WUTICHAI EAKAPABBUNDIT After we heard this quote, we all know that ‘Greenmade’ is truly run by the passion and hearts of the founders which can be summarized below. The core As mentioned, the way ‘Greenmade’ sustains the business is through the core in all perspectives including products, concept, and culture. These factors are linked by passion. Core products of ‘Greenmade’ are so clear, easy to understand, and unique enough for everyone to consume and become royal customers. Not many people choose to create healthy food in such a creative way (I will indicate more in the next ep so stay tuned!). Moreover, the concept of the restaurant is so strong. They want to cook food as if they cook for their beloved ones which make each dish of Greenmade the most heart-warming healthy food ever! (mentioned by many of the customers – said Khun Moo). Lastly, all the founders have filled their employees with all the passions, attitudes, and understandings the same way the founders do so that when employees need to serve customers they will act the same as the founders. “We have been copying and pasting ‘Greenmade way’ into all of our employees so that Greenmade is the Greenmade that everyone sees today and this is why customers love us” Moo said. Community and Sustainability Greenmade has been providing uniquely healthy food that not only attracts people who calculate calories like bodybuilders or fitness trainers but also anyone who wants to just try ‘healthy food.’ This creates a community of people who start to be concerned about their health but still do not want to eat chicken breast every meal. Greenmade has been cooperating with local farmers in many provinces in Northern part of Thailand.They have been helping those farmers creating job opportunities so that we all city people have clean and chemical free products to consume. This all linked back to the core of the business that they want to serve only the best quality of food to their customers. “If you find great partners who understand you and support you, the business has a long and sustainable way to go” Moo said. Always learning A lot of customers who have been knowing Greenmade for a while always said that they have a comforting feeling about the food here since they are delicious and healthy. They do not have to worry about chemicals, sugar addition or anything that is not good for health here. “Everyday we have a lot of feedback and suggestions from our customers. We are very thankful for those because we can always improve our products and services” Poy said. There were people from across Bangkok who really wanted to order our food and wanted to subscribe to our food plan but they couldn’t because of the price of transportation. Moreover, it has been suggested that we should create some food for hospitalized people or even elders who have health concerns and want to eat something delicious, not some boring food. These are all feedback and suggestions from people who have been passed by Greenmade and we really appreciated them MOO WUTICHAI EAKAPABBUNDIT In all situations, there is always someone who is lost and someone who is found so choose your path like Greenmade did. Triangle Donut team will wait for you to share your story, maybe the next one will be yours. 🙂